You can register quickly and briefly with your name, surname, e-mail and phone number, or if you wish, you can also register with your Google account.
After registering, it will direct you to the home page, where you can watch a short advertisement by clicking on the Watch ads and earn minutes option.
After watching an advertisement, 20 minutes of usage time is assigned to your account, each user gets a total of 1 hour of free usage by watching a maximum of 3 advertisements per day.
Unless you select a number and start a call, your minutes will remain in your account. You can accumulate minutes by entering the application regularly and watching advertisements every day.
After the conversation starts, the accumulated minutes will continue to count even if you log out of the application. After your time expires, you can read the messages you receive, but you cannot reply.
If the free usage period is not enough for you and you want to use it for a longer time.
You can continue using it by choosing one of the packages suitable for you (Daily, 3-day and weekly).
ChatMEU does not give you the right to use a single number. You can use all the numbers found in the application as you wish.
But when you do this, you must leave the number you use, you may not be able to get the same number again!